Why betterform?
Simple & Reliable
Get started in 5 minutes and never miss a lead or support request ever again. Our forms just work.
Own Your Data
Privacy is paramount to us, so you own your data. It’s yours forever. Export your data at any time.
File Uploads
File uploads without any hassle or additional setup. Just enable the file upload feature.
How it works
Embed our script on your page, and add an attribute to any HTML form to receive submissions in your admin panel - no backend coding required.
Embed script
Just paste our Javascript script at the beginning of your HTML page.
Add attribute
Add the BetterForm form attribute to any form on your website and we’ll take it from there.
Free Forever
Add a betterform logo on your form to get unlimited submissions for that project. Learn More

Supercharge your forms
It doesn’t get simpler than this. Paste our script, add an attribute, and you’re ready to accept submissions. No heavy lifting.